Cloned cannabis cells with 12 times more potency are grown in Israeli bioreactor

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medicinal marijuana map -Cloned cannabis cells with 12 times more potency are grown in Israeli bioreactor

The company behind the technology claims that each gram of their product will cure patients far longer than a gram of cannabis plant – and will use significantly less water and other resources.

An Israeli startup cloned hemp cells and utilized a bioreactor to develop them into a material containing all of cannabis’ beneficial components — and 12 times the strength.

According to BioHarvest Sciences, the innovation might make cannabis’s medical advantages more affordable, cleaner, and environmentally friendly. It has begun the process of obtaining the appropriate permits to produce and market its medical product in Israel and the United States.

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Cloned cannabis cells with 12 times more potency are grown in Israeli bioreactor
Cloned cannabis cells with 12 times more potency are grown in Israeli bioreactor

BioHarvest CEO Ilan Sobel told The Times of Israel, “We don’t cultivate the plant at all.” Instead, cells taken from a hemp plant are “replicated” in large tanks known as bioreactors to generate vast quantities of identical cells.

“We cultivate them in massive bioreactors in three weeks — whereas conventional cannabis takes 14 to 23 weeks,” Sobel explained. “Our technology can also greatly boost the amounts of active compounds as a percentage of the weight compared to what is ordinarily present in the plant.”

As a result, every gram that emerges from the Rehovot bioreactor uses less water and other resources to grow than a gram from a cannabis plant — and will go a lot further in terms of treating patients, according to Sobel.

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He anticipates that his idea will have a “breathtaking” influence on the cannabis business. He declined to elaborate on the patented technique employed, but he did say that the potency was raised 12-fold just by modifying the conditions within the bioreactor.
“By modifying certain settings to which the cells are exposed, we can construct different desirable ratios of active components, which means we can crank up and down the various cannabinoids [compounds],” Sobel explained.

The biomass produced by the bioreactor contains cells that are identical to those found in cannabis generated from plants, and there is no genetic change, according to Sobel. Patients can get it smoked, as tablets, drops, chewing gum, or in a variety of different forms.

In addition to high quantities of active chemicals, the biomass is full-spectrum, which means it contains the whole range of chemical compounds present in the cannabis plant, rather than just a subset of them.

“Our formulation contains considerable concentrations of both major cannabinoids like CBD and THC, as well as significant amounts of what are known as minor cannabinoids,” Sobel explained.

The bioreactor’s regulated environment may be able to solve two obstacles in cannabis farming: contamination and crops with fluctuating quantities of active chemicals. Sobel claims that the bioreactor’s protected environment keeps contaminants like fungus out, and that the method’s regulated nature results in a product with constant component levels.

BioHarvest promises that if their biomass takes off, it will provide medicinal cannabis advantages more cheaply and with less environmental damage. This is due to the fact that, according to corporate calculations, each kilowatt of power produced eight times more material from the bioreactor than from plants. Each gallon of water generates 54 times more bioreactor material than plant material. The amount of land required is lowered by more than 90%.

“The main conclusion is that we can make cannabis and hemp significantly more helpful than they were previously, at a lesser cost to our planetary resources,” Sober said. “It is an Israeli health and sustainability solution that can make a genuinely amazing contribution to the globe.”

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