Israel’s medical marijuana policy and researches

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Medical Cannabis israel

Israeli medicinal cannabis regulation is described by Yuval Landschaft, director of the Israeli Medical Cannabis Agency.

Israel’s medical marijuana

Cannabis usage for medical purposes has increased recently in several nations throughout the world, including the State of Israel. Research on the cannabis plant and the endocannabinoid system, which has revealed to contain substances that have therapeutic medicinal effects on a number of symptoms and illnesses, has advanced significantly at the same time.

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The Israeli Ministry of Health feels that cannabis can be helpful in the treatment of some medical ailments even if it is not currently recognized as a medication. Cannabis should be handled as much as possible like a licensed pharmaceutical or therapeutic product, despite the fact that it includes ingredients that are classified as narcotic drugs and require control and regulation to preserve the public’s health and safety.

Lawmaking and regulating

The State of Israel is required to adhere to the terms of the Israeli Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (New Version) of 1973 and the worldwide Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 in any programme including the use of cannabis for medicinal reasons. According to the terms of the Convention, the Israeli Medical Cannabis Agency (IMCA), which is part of the Ministry of Health, acts as a “governmental agency” in all issues pertaining to the control and regulation of cannabis therapy for medical and scientific uses.

One of the world’s leaders in the usage of cannabis for medicinal purposes is the State of Israel. A definition of “cannabis for medical and research purposes” was accepted by the government in June 2016 under Resolution 1587, which provides access to and supply of medical grade cannabis on the one hand and regulation of cannabis products that are still classified as “narcotic substances” on the other. The state is required to protect the public’s health, wellness, and safety; to stop drug abuse; to regulate a new market with strict quality control requirements that are compliant with State of Israel legislation. Additionally, it must provide patients with a suitable source and supply of cannabis for medicinal use, as well as research

By outlining the medicalization process, the regulatory outline seeks to establish suitable criteria for cannabis for use in medicine and research. Cannabis legalization and decriminalization are not matters that fall under the purview of this process; rather, they are matters that must be dealt with by the Israeli Knesset and its legislative procedure, not by medical experts.

Establishing and maintaining high standards

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The following tenets serve as the foundation for the idea of legalizing cannabis for medicinal use:

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standardized medical-grade cannabis products, regulated supply chains, and quality control

From the stage of raw plant material to the final cannabis product that is dispensed at the pharmacy, all elements of practice and workers in the supply chain of medical grade cannabis products are to be controlled by stringent criteria and quality control in accordance with the IMCA’s Good Practices Procedures.

Medical Cannabis israel

The quality of medical cannabis products that are authorized for commercialization in Israel must be appropriate for medical use, and they must have the label “IMC – Medical Grade.” The entire process will be closely controlled and supervised in the form of good practices, in accordance with the IMCA’s quality directives: IMC-GAP, which outlines standards for growing and cultivating cannabis; IMC-GMP, which refers to manufacturing; and IMC-GDP, which covers distribution and storage of cannabis products, in order to reach a high level of standardization and to ensure a high level of reproducibility and uniformity, as appropriate for a medicinal product. In addition to implementing EU-GMP Annex 7 and particular standards for cannabis whole plant extract, IMC-GMP

Optimal and consistent environmental conditions must be maintained throughout the growth and manufacturing process, from the breeding material stage to the final medical grade cannabis product; work operations must be equally uniform and based on standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Regular and periodic analytical checks will be necessary at each stage to ensure that stem lines, reproduction batches, developing plants, growth batches, and manufacturing batches of cannabis meet the required standards and levels of quality. The generic medical grade cannabis products that will be sold in pharmacies will be defined by constant concentration margins, as outlined in industry standards.

Do You Want to Know More About Cannabis?

We’re here to provide you with further information. Explore our website for additional Cannabis ideas, where to get marijuana| Weed| Cannabis In Israel and information on the medicinal advantages of this medicine.

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